International Scholarships: Hubert Humphrey Fellowship Program

The Humphrey Program provides a year of professional enrichment in the United States for experienced professionals from designated countries undergoing development or political transition.

Leaders for a Global Society

The Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program provides ten months of non-degree academic study and related professional experiences in the United States. Humphrey Fellows are selected based on their potential for leadership and their commitment to public service in either the public or the private sector. The Humphrey Program fosters a mutual exchange of knowledge and understanding about issues of common concern in the United States and the Fellows’ home countries. The Program offers Fellows valuable opportunities for leadership development and professional engagement with Americans and their counterparts from many nations. More than 5,600 men and women have been honored as Humphrey Fellows since the program began in 1978. Approximately 200 Fellowships are awarded annually. Thirteen major universities in the United States host Humphrey Fellows. These host universities are chosen for their excellence in the Program’s designated fields of study and for the resources and support they offer Humphrey Fellows.

Humphrey Fellowships are awarded competitively to candidates who are mid-career professionals in many fields. To read more about the professional fields, please go to the “Program Fields” section.

Applicants are required to have an undergraduate degree, a minimum of five years of substantial, full-time, professional experience, limited or no prior experience in the United States, demonstrated leadership qualities, a record of public service in the community, and strong English skills.

The Humphrey Program is a Fulbright exchange activity. Its primary funding is provided by the U.S. Congress through the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State. Co-sponsors include other governmental agencies, multinational organizations, and private donors. The Institute of International Education (IIE) assists the U.S. Department of State in administering the Humphrey Fellowship Program.

Basic Eligibility Criteria

  • An undergraduate (first university or Bachelor’s) degree
  • A minimum of five years of full-time, professional experience
  • Limited or no prior experience in the United States
  • Demonstrated leadership qualities
  • A record of public service in the community
  • English language ability

Please contact the U.S. Embassy, Public Affairs Section or Binational Fulbright Commission in your country of residence to learn about possible specific program requirements.

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